Monday, May 15, 2017

Songkran Holiday

Songkran Holiday

          Songkran is Thai New Year. This festival is important for Thai people. Thai people are waiting for this precious time. Imagine what will be better than meeting one who you love in the summer time and enjoy the moment together also you could go to the temple to get blessed from monk to have a lucky healthy year.
          When you heard about Songkran you will recognize about water people will come on the street and splash water to each other which mean the bad things will go out. So you could play water with them or go to the temple for get blessed from the monk.
          People will back home and gathering eat some nice meals with their family. Also the most important part is get blessed from elderly people such as your grandma and showered them with water and flowers.
          The special activities in Songkran is splash the water to others and make a sand sculptures at the temples. Also it's a quality time to spend with family

-You should wear appropriately outfits.
-You should be ready to get wet.
-Be respect to others.
-You shouldn't use high pressure gun and don't splash water to the people who don't want to get wet.

If you want to see more pictures click here. This is our Vlog about highlight in Songkran festival 

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Sunday, May 14, 2017



The production of silk originates in China in the Neolithic (Yangshao culture, 4th millennium BCE). Silk remained confined to China until the Silk Road opened at some point during the later half of the first millennium BCE. China maintained its virtual monopoly over silk production for another thousand years. Not confined to clothing, silk was also used for a number of other applications, including writing, and the color of silk worn was an important guide of social class during the Tang Dynasty.

The process of silk production is known as sericulture. The entire production process of silk can be divided into several steps which are typically handled by different entities. Extracting raw silk starts by cultivating the silkworms on mulberry leaves. Once the worms start pupating in their cocoons, these are dissolved in boiling water in order for individual long fibres to be extracted and fed into the spinning reel.

The environmental impact of silk production is potentially large when compared with other natural fibers. A life cycle assessment of Indian silk production shows that the production process has a large carbon and water footprint, mainly due to the fact that it is an animal-derived fiber and more inputs such as fertilizer and water are needed per unit of fiber produced.

Tasar materials                                 Mulberry silk tops

Spider silk product                            Mulberry silk sarees

Muslin silk scarf                                         Silk ties

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tom Yum Goong

Tom Yum Goong
          Tom yum is a type of hot and sour Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp. Tom yum is widely served in many countries and has been popularised around the world. “Tom Yum Goong” is also known as national food of Thailand
          About flavor or taste "Tom Yum Kung" is the most famous of all Thai soup recipes, and authentic Tom Yum Kung soup is without coconut milk and features all four of the famous Thai flavors salty, sour, sweet and spicy. It's also highly in nutritious.
Ingredients of Tom Yum Goong is lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, garlic, ginger, fresh red chili, Thai Nam Prik Pao chili sauce, dried crushed chili, fresh shiitake mushrooms, lime, fish sauce, sugar, fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves and a main ingredient is large shrimp. If you want to cook Thailand for traditional Tom Yum Goong you have to put Carnation evaporated milk that is a special ingredient.
How to cook Tom Yum Goong. For the first, place stock in a large pot over high heat. Add the minced lemongrass (and leftover lemongrass stalks if using fresh lemongrass), plus lime leaves. Bring to a boil. Second when soup reaches a bubble boil, reduce heat to medium, or until you get a nice simmer. Add the garlic, galangal or ginger, chili, mushrooms, lime juice, fish sauce and soy sauce. Stir well and simmer 3 minutes. The third add the shrimp plus other vegetables, if using. Simmer until shrimp are pink and plump (about 3 minutes).Next reduce heat to medium-low and add the coconut milk or Carnation milk (if using). Now taste-test the soup, looking for a balance of salty, sour, and spicy. If not salty or flavorful enough, add 1 tablespoon more fish sauce or soy sauce. If too sour, add more sugar. If too spicy (Tom Yum is meant to be spicy!), add a little coconut or Carnation milk. If too salty, add another squeeze of lime. The last for those who like additional spice or flavor, add a dollop of Thai Nam Prik Pao chili sauce, either store-bought or homemade. It can also be served on the side in small dishes, so each person can add as much as they prefer. When finish to bring a boil then ladle soup into bowls and top with a generous sprinkling of fresh coriander.
And also Tom Yum Goong usually eaten with the omelet. Both incorporating eggs into your diet whenever possible, we increase the nutritional impact.
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